What cover will employers have to provide?

  The main purpose of the scheme is to ensure that all expatriates in Dubai have access to quality basic healthcare and the means to pay for it.  There is a minimum level of cover that will need to be provided.  The purpose of this basic benefit plan is to ensure that those who currently have little or no coverage will have benefits of a reasonable standard.The list of minimum benefits to be provided under ANY health insurance plan that is marketed in the Emirate of Dubai is available in the Append

Where can I receive treatment if I have the basic benefits plan?

  You should receive a card confirming your enrolment in the insurance plan as well as information on the services you are entitled to and a list of providers (hospitals, clinics etc.) where you can receive these services.  This list is often referred to as the “Network”.  Your insurance company (or its Third Party Administrator) will have a network of providers in Dubai (and possibly other emirates) that you can use.  You should refer to your member handbook, your insurer’s (or TPA’s)

My family are with me and on my sponsorship. Does my employer have to provide medical insurance for them also?

  Firstly, you should check your employment contract to see if your employer has a contractual obligation under the terms of your employment to provide you and your family with medical insurance.  Employers are encouraged to cover your spouse and dependents but in the event they do not then as their sponsor it will be your responsibility to arrange cover.