As per UAE LAW, every year the vehicle has to be registered. To register the vehicle, valid insurance policy is mandatory.

The insurance amount is calculated based on your driving history, type of vehicle etc. In order to obtain a quote please log on to the quote and buy section of our website.

In comprehensive insurance, client car will be covered in the insurance even if he/she is at fault during the accident. Client has to pay the agreed Excess amount; car will be repair.  In third party, client car will not be insured in his/her policy.

Personal accident covers are like life insurance, which will be applicable or provided at the time of death or disablement like hand or leg, loss of vision etc., in general, these cases will be approved by the court since it is huge accident.

The vehicle value is declared based on the market value and the last year sum insured. It is depreciated 10-15% every year and market value also will be considered if the brand new vehicle value got reduced.

Vehicle value will be considered only at the time of total loss cases. If the vehicle repair cost due to accident is more than 50% of the sum insured means, the vehicle will be declared as total loss.

If there is no loan, you have to name transfer the vehicle to the insurance company name and they will provide you with the settlement amount (sum insured) after depreciating as per company procedure. For bank loan, it will be settled to the bank whatever the amount of settlement, remaining amount should be paid by the insured, if any.

Excess is applicable if the client has comprehensive insurance and he/she is at fault during the accident. The client has to pay the excess amount and the car will be repaired on the damaged parts.

Please note that insurance policy does not cover any mechanical fault in the car at all. Client can avail roadside assistance like towing or battery boast if it is included in the policy.

Motor insurance policy will not cover battery and tires as well. If the tyre is damaged or got flat, it is not covered under insurance.

In Agency repair, the car will be serviced at the dealer if had an accident, where he/she gets brand new or genuine parts of the vehicles. However, in garage repair, client gets standardized parts or used parts.

If the tyre got damaged due to an accident, it will be covered based on the insurance companies’ terms and conditions.

Insurance policy does not cover any regular services. It covers only accidental damages.

It is covered on reimbursement basis, if a person either driver or passenger is injured due to an accident, they will be covered upto certain limit as per insurance company terms and conditions.

It is covered only at the time of damage happened in windscreen, till the limit as per the policy, there is no excess. Above the limit, client has to pay the excess and the windscreen will be services.

There is limit for lock replacement. If the key is lost or lock is damaged, client has to take a police report and get the lock replaced as per insurance companies’ advise.

Vehicles are covered for accidental damages in Oman however most of the insurance company do not provide roadside assistance. It is depending on the insurance company as well.

Generally, no insurance company do not cover stickers and modified parts. But it can be included at the time of policy issuance if the insurance companies approve.

Insurance company will not approve the claim if the car is not registered with the policy number taken.

Insurance company will pay agreed amount to the Insured and/or spouse (or in the event of their death, to their legal personal representatives) if the Insured and/ or spouse while getting into or getting out of the Insured Vehicle shall accidentally sustain Bodily Injury which independently of any other cause within three calendar months of the accident results in death or partial or total disablement, loss of sight.

Valet parking theft cover is included in few insurance companies. However, damages happened in valet parking varies from insurance companies to companies.

Health insurance is a contract with an insurance company, which agrees to pay some or all of your medical bills based on your “coverage,” or the terms of your policy.

As medical care advances and treatments increase, health care costs also increase. The purpose of health insurance is to help you pay for care. It protects you and your family financially in the event of an unexpected serious illness or injury that could be very expensive.

Claims Administrator or a TPA is a company which handles the claims of the insured.

Annual Limit is a fixed amount allocated to each insured per year beyond that set limit, the member will be uncovered.

The area within which the insurance is applicable.

Direct billing occurs when doctors or medical providers send their bills straight to the health insurance company for payment, rather than having the patient receive the bill and file the claim. It is applicable only at clinics/hospitals/pharmacies mentioned in the networks list provided by the insurer.

An in-network provider is one contracted with the health insurance company to provide services to plan members for specific pre-negotiated rates. An out of network simply me  that the doctor or facility providing your care does not have a contract with your health insurance company.

A deductible is the initial amount you must pay each year for covered health services before your insurer will start to chip in. Pl  may have separate individual and family deductibles and/or deductibles for separate services such as hospitalization. A copayment is a fixed amount you pay toward each medical service, such as AED 25 for a checkup. Coinsurance is a fixed percentage, rather than a flat amount, that you pay toward each service.

Insurance coverage is the amount of risk or liability that is covered for an individual or entity by way of insurance services.

Yes, you can get a health cover even if you already have a pre-existing condition. But the catch to it is that you’ll have to bear a waiting period (which is usually four years) before the plan starts covering your pre-existing condition. For the first four years, the plan continues to give you a health cover excluding the pre-existing conditions and the related complications arising thereof.

After a medical claim is submitted, the insurance company determines their financial responsibility for the payment to the provider. This process is referred to as claims adjudication. The insurance company can decide to pay the claim in full, deny the claim, or to reduce the amount paid to the provider.

When you switch from your insurer to a new insurer, you get to retain the waiting period benefits. Simply put, you do not need to bear the waiting periods all over again. This feature is better known as insurance portability. So if you are looking to take a leap, you better take it.

The medical billing insurance claims process starts when a healthcare provider treats a patient and sends a bill of services provided to a designated payer, which is usually a health insurance company.

Medical billing is the process of submitting and following up on claims with health insurance companies in order to receive payment for services rendered by a healthcare provider.

Medical evacuation is the timely and efficient movement and en-route care provided by medical personnel to wounded being evacuated from a battlefield, to injured patients being evacuated from the scene of an accident to receiving medical facilities, or to patients at a rural hospital requiring urgent care at a better-equipped facility using medically equipped ground vehicles (ambulances) or aircraft (air ambulances).

Direct billing occurs when doctors or medical providers send their bills straight to the health insurance company for payment, rather than having the patient receive the bill and file the claim.

Reimbursement is the act of compensating someone for an out-of-pocket expense by giving them an amount of money equal to what was spent. ... Reimbursement is also used in insurance, when a provider pays for expenses after they have been paid directly by the policy holder or another party

A pre-existing condition is any injury, illness, sickness, disease, or other physical, medical, mental or nervous condition, disorder or ailment that, with reasonable medical certainty, existed at the time of application or at any time during the X years prior to the effective date of the insurance, whether or not previously manifested or symptomatic, diagnosed, treated, or disclosed prior to the effective date, including any subsequent, chronic or recurring complications or consequences related thereto or arising therefrom.

Each insurance company has its own period through which pre-existing conditions are not covered.

Maternity coverage is one of the 10 essential health benefits that must be covered by all health insurance pl  offered to individuals, families, and small groups. Health insurance for pregnancy, labor, delivery, and newborn baby care became mandatory in 2014 under the Affordable Care Act.
Pregnancy is considered as a pre-existing condition and any declared pre-existing condition will be covered by the insurer with additional loading.

  If you work for a Dubai registered employer (including a Free Zone company), your employer is required by law to provide you with a health insurance plan. A minimum standard of cover called the Essential Benefits Plan (EBP) has been established by DHA which comprises the minimum level of coverage that must be offered by all employers. The law also extends to sponsors who must provide health coverage for their spouses, dependents and domestic workers.

The implementation deadlines for the law are as follows:

Workers at companies employing more than 1000 employees must have coverage in place by end October 2014;

Workers at companies employing between 1000 and 100 employees must have coverage in place by end July 2015;

All other workers (including domestic staff), spouses and dependents must be covered by end June 2016.

  Dubai Health Authority encourages employers to provide medical insurance for the spouse or dependents of its employees.  However, if an employer does not provide cover, then your sponsor will need to arrange cover for you.

  If you are working for a private family, for example as a maid, a nanny, a gardener or a driver, it will be your sponsor’s responsibility to provide you with medical insurance.

  Yes.  All resident expatriates working for Dubai registered companies (including Free Zone entities) must receive at least a basic level of cover as stipulated by Dubai Health Authority and paid for by the employer.

  Firstly, you should check your employment contract to see if your employer has a contractual obligation under the terms of your employment to provide you and your family with medical insurance.  Employers are encouraged to cover your spouse and dependents but in the event they do not then as their sponsor it will be your responsibility to arrange cover.

  This is limited to your spouse and dependent children who are on your sponsorship.

  You should receive a card confirming your enrolment in the insurance plan as well as information on the services you are entitled to and a list of providers (hospitals, clinics etc.) where you can receive these services.  This list is often referred to as the “Network”.  Your insurance company (or its Third Party Administrator) will have a network of providers in Dubai (and possibly other emirates) that you can use.  You should refer to your member handbook, your insurer’s (or TPA’s) website or otherwise contact them directly to find out which facilities you can use.

  Your employer (or you, if you are arranging cover for yourself or your dependents) can provide insurance which gives benefits in excess of the basic requirements but these additional benefits will normally require a higher premium.

  All expatriate workers employed by entities licensed to trade in the Emirate of Dubai or any of its Free Zones.

  The main purpose of the scheme is to ensure that all expatriates in Dubai have access to quality basic healthcare and the means to pay for it.  There is a minimum level of cover that will need to be provided.  The purpose of this basic benefit plan is to ensure that those who currently have little or no coverage will have benefits of a reasonable standard.The list of minimum benefits to be provided under ANY health insurance plan that is marketed in the Emirate of Dubai is available in the Appendix A of the Employer Information Pack.

  As it is a matter of good employment practice to do so in order to assist with recruitment and retention of employees, DHA encourages employers to provide for dependents’ medical expenses although this is not compulsory.

  It will be possible for employers to do this provided the insurance company offers this facility.

Mulkiya/Registration card, driving license and emirates id(individual)

Mulkiya/registration card, trading license,VAT certificate(company)

Last year insured vehicle value.

Saloon, Hatchback, Coupe, SUV/4x4/Station wagon, VAN, Pick up, truck, Bus.

Premium is the amount payable by the insured to avail the insurance policy.

Private vehicles are the types which is basically cars used for private and pleasure purpose. Commercial types of vehicles have all the type of vehicles which is used for business purpose.

If client faces an accident, if it at fault or non-fault, client’s car will be covered under the insurance policy and he/she can get the car repaired as per the insurance companies’ procedure.

In third party policy, client’s car will not be covered at all. If he/she faces an accident due to their fault, client has to repair the car on their own.

After first 3 years from brand new, the vehicle has to be tested whether it is road worthy or not every year. This process is done be RTA and it mandatory for all the vehicles.

Any motor insurance policy should be 13 months as per insurance authority.

There is basic premium for all the motor policies based on vehicle models and type of insurance policies. Loading is applicable when the client falls under certain categories like less than 1 year driving license, less than 25 years old, above 65 years old etc.,

As per IA, if the client does not have any accident or did not claim means, he/she can avail 10-20% no claims discount on the premium/minimum premium.

If our client, who is responsible/liable for the accident means, it is faulty accident.

Insured is the client who the policy holder. Insurer is the insurance company.

Third party is the person or the property who or which got affected due to the accident.